Ep. 35 Rachael Aprill Phillips: Imposter Syndrome And Aligning With Your Values

Conversations On Living - A podcast by Chris Brock


Knowing what we want can be the hardest task many of us will ever face. After all, if we all knew what we wanted we could move ourselves towards it. But much of the time we put obstacles in our way that prevent us from answering that question, or stopping ourselves from taking the action we need to get there. Sometimes these obstacles are a manifestation of fear. We say we don’t have the time, the money, the intelligence or the right timing, but what we really mean, is that we’re scared. Scared of what might happen if it goes wrong. Scared of what might happen if it goes right. Scared of what might happen if get found out as imposters. But as Oliver Burkeman will tell you, “everyone is totally just winging it, all the time”. Or the reason you might be struggling, and that life seems much harder than it needs to be is because the path you’re walking is misaligned with who you are. Ask yourself this – are the things you doing, the decision you make, the actions you take, serving your own values and your own purpose, or are you doing it for approval, for acknowledgement? Do you seek guidance and approval in your actions, or do you act entirely of your own volition, heeding only your own counsel? These are a few of the topics we covered when I spoke with the inspirational self-made entrepreneur, educator, and coach, Rachael Aprill Phillips. Rachael found empowerment and success when she started to step into her own life, making her own decisions, and building a life in alignment with who she is. I hope you enjoy this conversation, and if you want to find out more about Rachael’s work visit www.rachaelacademy.com