Harry Lorayne - Episode 11

Conversations With Close - A podcast by Michael Close


I met Harry Lorayne in the spring/summer of 1975. At the time, I was going to music school at Butler University. I lived not far from campus and was home for lunch. As I watched the noon news, I heard the following announcement: “After this commercial break, we’ll be back with memory expert, Harry Lorayne.” I never saw the interview, because I immediately hopped in my car and headed downtown to the TV studio. (Fortunately, it wasn’t that far away.) I sat in the lobby; Harry came in from the production offices a few minutes later. I asked if he needed a lift to his next appointment. He did, and we spent the remainder of the day together, including a great dinner at St. Elmo’s steak house with Harry Riser.  

Over his seventy-year career, Harry has been one of the major contributors to the literature of magic; his output is astounding. At age ninety-three, he says he’s starting to slow down, but the energy and enthusiasm displayed in his voice belies that. We spent an enjoyable forty-five minutes discussing a wide range of topics. (March 2019)

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