Chaos Abroad, Nonsense At Home with Amy Chua [S2 Ep.28]
Conversations With Coleman - A podcast by Coleman Hughes

Welcome to another episode of Conversations with Coleman. My guest today is Amy Chua. Amy Chua is a professor at Yale Law School. Her books include World on Fire, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, The Triple Package, Political Tribes, and many more. She's made Time magazine's list of 100 most influential people in 2011 and has been a guest on many TV shows, including Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Real Time with Bill Maher. Amy and I spoke on August 26 and discussed the situation in Afghanistan. We talked about how our failure to recognize the importance of ethnic differences hampered our military efforts there. We talk about our inept withdrawal and abandonment of our allies. And on a lighter note, we discuss a now resolved situation with her employer, Yale Law School. #ConversationswithColeman #CwC #ColemanHughes #AmyChua #Afganistan #Americanforeignpolicy #Tribes #Whatwentwrong #America #War #Withdrawal