Coleman Hughes responds to your texts
Conversations With Coleman - A podcast by Coleman Hughes

Welcome to another episode of Conversation with Coleman. Today's episode is a Pre-Recorded Q&A. A majority of these questions were sent to me via text and a handful via Instagram. In this episode, I answer questions about rap culture, The Roland Fryer Study on racial disparities in police shootings, The 'Veil of Darkness' Study by Stanford, meditating on psychedelics, my thoughts on the term "Critical Race Theory", progressive tax, and several other topics. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. If you would like to send in your questions for the next Q&A session, you can directly send them to me through text message. You will be able to find that function at For those of you who are considering joining our community, sign up at #ConversationswithColeman #CwC #ColemanHughes #Q&A #PoliceShootings #RapCulture #Psychedelics #Meditation #VeilofDarkness #ProgressiveTax #CriticalRaceTheory #CRT