Power and Hypocrisy with Glenn Greenwald [S2 Ep.22]
Conversations With Coleman - A podcast by Coleman Hughes

Welcome to another episode of conversations with Coleman. Before I get to my guest today, I have two announcements. The first is that there's limited edition merchandise is available for fans of the show! You can check that out at Colemanhughes.org. My second announcement today is about my interview with Michael Shellenberger from a few weeks back. It seems that Michael made some very misleading or outright false claims about the connection between climate change and extreme weather events. Specifically, he said that climate change did not contribute to the intensity of wildfires in California and Australia. It was a surprising claim to me at the time, but I didn't push back in the moment. Although in retrospect, I should have because it turns out this is not the consensus of the climate science community. Some of his other claims, including that we're not in a sixth mass extinction are at the very least far more controversial than he indicated. So to rectify this, I'm going to get a mainstream climate scientist on the show very soon, and cover all of these topics in detail. My guest today is Glenn Greenwald. Glenn probably needs no introduction as he's among the most famous journalists in the world. He is also a constitutional lawyer and author of four New York Times bestselling books on politics and law. In this interview, we talked about the philosophical through line in his career as a journalist. We talked about free speech, the surprising similarities between George Bush's war on Islamic terror and Joe Biden's war on white supremacist terror. We also spoke about false accusations of racism, Glen's experience raising mixed race kids in Brazil, the danger posed by elites who don't realise they live in a bubble, President Biden's race based policy for pandemic aid, and Glenn gives his advice to young journalists. #Ad When hiring gets hard, you need Indeed, the jobsite that makes hiring incredibly simple -- just Attract, Interview, and Hire. In fact, with Indeed you can do all of your hiring in one place -- even interviewing! Indeed’s hiring tools help you cut through the noise to hire faster and smarter. In fact, Indeed Instant Match provides a list of quality candidates whose resumes are on Indeed the moment you post a sponsored job. Indeed Instant Match helps you make a shortlist of great candidates, fast. Get started RIGHT NOW with a free 75$ sponsored job credit to upgrade your job post at indeed.com/CONVERSATIONS The Offer is valid through September 30th. Terms and conditions apply. ConversationswithColeman #CwC #GlennGreenwald #Politics #Power #Fear #Hypocrisy #PartyReversal #Media #Journalism #FreeSpeech #WaronTerror #JoeBiden #GeorgeBush #DueProcess #Security #NSA