A Klass Act - BETA ALPHA “H.I.D.A.Y.A.” SPRING 2007

Cool Soror with Rashan Ali - A podcast by Rashan Ali


Patrice Donelson, Tiffani Davis and Ashley Worlds Gomez are three Cool Sorors from the Spring 2007 line of the Beta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. They join the show today to talk about their line’s documentary, “A Klass Act” and their 10 acts of service during Florida A&M’s Homecoming 2017. Their line name is H.I.D.A.Y.A. and it stands for Heroines Introspectively Defining AKAtude While Yielding AKAllence. The word Hidaya means "a precious gift". AKA is a gift for them as a line. They asked to be apart of her sisterhood and received that gift. They created this documentary in celebration of their 10 year AKA anniversary to showcase their Service, Sisterhood and Scholarship. The documentary is called "Our Precious Gift" . In it, they talk about what 10 years of sisterhood has meant to them personally and how they are serving their communities today through their careers and at home in their personal lives. The line’s theme for this homecoming is "A Klass Act: Then, Now, Forever.” They wanted to come up with something that spoke to the character the line embodies. Their love for Alpha Kappa Alpha and the Beta Alpha Chapter remains steadfast and true. The focus has and will always be to add to the iconic legacy the chapter holds through service and sisterhood. Spring 2007: definitely KLASSY. Social Media:IG: @BA_HIDAYA07