Legacy Is on Us with Charletta Wilson Jacks

Cool Soror with Rashan Ali - A podcast by Rashan Ali


Today’s episode features former Deputy Director of Government Affairs at the City of Atlanta Charletta Wilson Jacks. Charletta has 30+ years of experience in planning/community development, construction/project management (including the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games) and several architectural and engineering firms. Charletta is an illustrious member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated and is a pillar in the Atlanta community. In this episode she shares the importance of tooting your own horn and sharing your story to empower others. "It's All About Owning Your Voice" says Mrs. Wilson-Jacks. Join the conversation as Rashan & Charletta talk navigating leadership and legacy building. To find out more about Charletta, follow her on IG @charlettawilsonjacks.   Stay connected at: www.CoolSoror.com   Shop Cool Soror Merch: https://www.shoplhp.com/collections/cool-soror   Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @rashanali   Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @coolsoror   Watch on Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj_sI6lEq2DbgVUX2uR_Uk5reKu5o6Ccf