The American Red Cross Presents: Joined by Blood with Rasheeda S. Liberty & Tiffany Taylor

Cool Soror with Rashan Ali - A podcast by Rashan Ali


This special edition of the COOL SOROR SHOW is being presented by the American Red Cross. We are happy to have Tiffany Taylor of the American Red Cross as well as Rasheeda Liberty, International President of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. and Chair of the Council of Presidents of the National PanHellenic Council join us to talk about the importance of their partnership.    With over 2.5 million members in the NPHC, the quest to encourage more chapters and organizations as a whole to host blood drives in the Black Community is at the forefront of their mission.    Stay connected at:   Shop Cool Soror Merch:   Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @rashanali   Instagram, Facebook, Twitter @coolsoror   Watch on Youtube:   For more information on this unique partnership and how we can come together to save lives please log onto JOINEDBYBLOOD.ORG #rashanali #sgrho #americanredcross