Ashleigh Di Lello, Turning Pain Into Purpose

Courtney: Beyond the Cake - A podcast by Courtney Rich


You may remember today’s guest from Fox 13’s So You Think You Can Dance, when she and her husband both made it on the show, and not only that, they both made it to the finals. Since then, Ashleigh Di Lello has traveled the world as a professional dancer, appearing on Broadway, Dancing with the Stars and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. But life wasn’t always spotlights and cameras for Ashleigh. In fact, dancing was completely taken away from her not once, but twice!At age 13, Ashleigh was suddenly faced with a life-threatening illness and was told she wouldn't survive past her teenage years. Her determination, resilience and faith proved doctors wrong and by 19, Ashleigh was on the dance floors again and became a nationally recognized name. Unfortunately, much of what Ashleigh experienced as a teen was something she faced yet again as an adult. But against all odds, Ashleigh persevered and overcame what doctors said was the impossible and her mission in life is to help others do the same. In today’s episode, Ashleigh talks about her 20-year journey of chronic illness and pain, how dance helped save her even when she couldn’t even get out of bed, and how she discovered that in order to fully heal the body, you also have to treat the brain.She is the creator of Bio Emotional Healing™, multiple courses and coaching programs including: The Food Freedom Revolution and Turning Pain Into Purpose. She is also the host of a new podcast, Body Freedom Radio - available now on all podcast platforms.