Courtney Anderson, Focusing on Potential

Courtney: Beyond the Cake - A podcast by Courtney Rich


Today on Courtney Beyond the Cake, I’m welcoming my friend and beauty guru, Courtney Anderson, CEO to five Spa Trouvé locations here in Utah. In 2011, Courtney discovered her passion for the beauty industry when she started working as a manager for a local spa. While Courtney was falling head over heals for her job, the company was unknowingly about to go out of business. But, by the time she found out about the companies financial woes, she had already fallen in love with the work and was determined to save it. Nine years later, Courtney is the CEO of five Spa Trouvé locations and has evaluated Spa Trouvé to one of the premiere medical spas in Utah.Today, we’re talking about how Courtney turned a failing company into a success story, as well as her thoughts about how the beauty industry has changed over the years, how it’s changed our perceptions of self love and self care, her must have skincare services and products, and the one product she says no woman should live without.