Jasmine Bradshaw, Teaching Our Kids to Value Unity and Inclusion

Courtney: Beyond the Cake - A podcast by Courtney Rich


Growing up in a biracial home, in a predominately white suburb of Phoenix, Arizona, Jasmine Bradshaw had conversations with her parents at a very early age about what it means to be Black. To her, those conversations didn’t seem out of the ordinary or uncomfortable. It wasn’t until years later that Jasmine learned how uncommon those conversations were for people outside of the Black community. As she had more and more discussions with her friends and church congregation, Jasmine discovered that while they may not have had the same conversations as she did growing up... they wanted to learn now how to have them with their families.Jasmine and her husband Carter started speaking at church events about how to be more inclusive about other races, religions and cultures, but they wanted to do more... and just last year they started the First Name Basis podcast to create a community of families who are committed to teaching their children how to truly love the people around them and to value inclusion and diversity.Each week, Jasmine shares with listeners tools, knowledge, and practical strategies for talking to your children about race, religion and culture. With a background in education, Jasmine teaches in such an honest, thoughtful and loving way - and today I’m thrilled to have Jasmine on the podcast sharing her journey and giving us the tools for talking to our kids about race, what it means to be anti-racist, and how to be moreinclusive.