Lacy Gadegaard-West: How My MS Diagnosis Became My Second Chance at Life

Courtney: Beyond the Cake - A podcast by Courtney Rich


In her early 20’s, Lacy Gadegaard-West was traveling the country working with high profile celebrity clients as a hair stylist for the Bellagio in Las Vegas. She was loving her life and booming career, but felt the desire to turn her attention to her new family. She moved across the country to support her then husband through law school and raise her two boys, all while trying to keep a new business afloat.In the years that followed, Lacy’s journey took her through her fair share of ups and downs as she navigated being a single mom, growing her business, and a brain tumor that ultimately led to a multiple sclerosis diagnosis.In today’s episode, Lacy shares with us many of the life lessons she’s learned throughout her journey, including how her MS diagnosis gave her a second chance at life.