Season 2 Highlights

Crack The Behavior Code - A podcast by Christine Comaford

Whether you're new to the show, or you've been with us all along, we wanted to take a moment to review just a few of this season's big takeaways:--------------EQ = money, according to Drs. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves (see resources below).“The link between EQ and earnings is so direct that every point increase in EQ equals $1,300 to an annual salary. If that’s not enough, EQ accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs”.Here’s how to start becoming more emotionally intelligent:1. Figure out what you’re feeling. It’s essential to be in tune with your emotions—this is Self-Awareness. 2. Take a breather. Holding off on sending a nasty-gram until you cool down is Self-Management. 3. Consider the recipient. While you are practicing #1 or #2 above, consider what the recipient might feel upon receiving your communication. This is Social Awareness.4. Focus on the outcome. What is the outcome you’d actually like to achieve? How would you like to make someone feel in order to empower them and move the ball forward? It’s time to craft a message that will get the result you want and make the person feel powerful, effective, enrolled, engaged, whatever positive emotion you want. This is Relationship Management.--------------Disconnection possibly from yourself, from others, your purpose, your place in the grand scheme of things, and even your relationship with nature. Today we see increasing chaos, distrust, aggressiveness, and many other behavioral challenges in our world due to disconnection caused by excessive stress.3 Ways To Cure Stress-Based IsolationCome Together. Practice Compassion. Manage Your Energy During Change and Stress. --------------In every communication, in every conflict, we are subconsciously either reinforcing or begging for safety, belonging, mattering or a combination.As a leader, and as a human, you must identify whether it is safety and or belonging and or mattering that is most important to the people in your life… and then do everything you can to satisfy that subterranean subconscious need.Safety + belonging + mattering = TRUST.How do you boost the experience of safety, belonging, mattering within your company? Do what my super successful clients do--deliver safety, belonging, mattering through your behavior and communication. Here are behavior examples:Engaging Mission, Vision, Values – draws people together for a greater cause, helps us see where we’re headed together, sets our “code of conduct” as a tribeIndividual Development Plans – shows how we matter and belong here, how our company sees us as a long term investment (we’re safe)Cultural Rituals: Rock Star, High Fives, Shout Outs, Public Appreciation – reinforces mattering and tribal customs (safety, belonging)Transparency: Accountability Structures, Open Communication, Fairness – we’re safe, belong, matter since we know where the performance “bar” is and how to jump over it--------------Here’s the counterintuitive secret of developing more executive presence: Focus, it’s that simple. You know what’s great about this secret? It’s skill based. And that means anyone can learn it. The first step - seek first to understand.Clarity of purpose is the embodied state that allows you to effectively stay in inquiry mode and be present. Clarity of purpose is the most effective criteria for deciding what is an HVA and what is an LVA. Clarity of purpose creates focus, and focus creates executive presence.Go to it!--------------Some Resources Mentioned This Season:EQ Research: Wheel:, Change, Isolation infographic: Decoder Infographic: Maslow pyramid: Feedback Frame Infographic: Tutorial: Phrases That Make Leaders Look Weak infographic: Weight infographic:’re busy growing. Let’s have a strategy session when it makes sense, which means you are…· Committed to getting better results and finding out how awesome your performance can truly be· Ready to make this a priority and get started in the next few months· Allocating budget to improving the leadership, culture and results of you and your company· Able to make the decision to move forward (or can convince the person who can)Ready? Great! Please fill out the form here. If not, check out our resources and subscribe to receive news and more tools as they become available, and we’ll work together when the time is right. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.