Ep.032 Why You Should Be A Guest Blogger

Cracking Content Podcast - A podcast by Claire Winter - Tuesdays


Welcome to the Cracking Content Podcast, helping entrepreneurs to amplify their expertise through storytelling, content and PR, so they can get more sales and make a bigger impact. Every business has a story to tell. Don't be afraid to tell it. In this week's episode, I am talking about guest blogging. Guest blogging is the act of writing content for another company's or media outlet's website. It's a great way of expanding your audience by sharing valuable information that is at the core of your business and also building relationships with other bloggers and businesses. It also helps with boosting your organic search engine optimization.  {1:17} While you're essentially providing content for someone else, it helps boost traffic to your own website, and this is what's key here, through external links that can increase your domain authority. Your domain authority is where you rank in organic search. {2:15} The higher the domain authority you link to, the more it's it will boost you in organic search, so you want to connect to high authority websites. This makes guest blogging a brilliant, mutually beneficial experience. The web host receives fresh, high-quality content, and the guest blogger increases brand awareness, gains credibility and ranks higher in search. What's not to love about generating a guest blogging strategy as part of your outreach? {2:41} Choosing who to work with can take some research. Some businesses prefer to guest blog with partners or have a co-marketing strategy where you guest blog for each other. Others simply find through extensive online searches that they can start finding people that accept guest bloggers. The most important thing is to approach bloggers who share your niche and business values and are a respected member of the community. {3:13} What should you look for before you agree to guest blogging? Ask these questions, does the blog or blogger have active followers that engage with their content through likes and comments? Do they post regularly on social media? Do they have a high domain authority that would increase your SEO ranking? {4:30} There might be someone who's got an established business and website with a good domain authority that would love a guest blog from you because it means less work for them. Guest blogging is important because it's a wider part of getting yourself known. If one of your goals for this year is to grow your audience, this is a great way to do it, particularly if you know your ideal customer likes reading blogs. {4:54} To conclude, guest blogging is a great way to get more visible and grow your audience. It will also boost your brand awareness and credibility, and connect with businesses that really matter to you and that share the same values as you. Connect with Claire:  You can download my free Blog Brainstorm guide here https://clairewinter.info/freebies/blog-brainstorm-guide/  Find out your domain authority here: https://ahrefs.com/  To find out about 1:1 content coaching go www.clairewinter.info. Free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/crackingcontent/ Website: https://clairewinter.info/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clairewinteruk  Join the Cracking Content Club Membership: https://clairewinter.info/cracking-content-club/