18: The Enigma of Emily Dickinson (Part 1)

Creative Codex - A podcast by MJDorian


On this special episode, we dive headfirst into the enigmatic genius of Emily Dickinson. We explore what makes her poetry so brilliant, her strained relationship with religion, the challenges she faced living in a Puritanical town in the mid 1800's, and the influence her uniquely distinguished family had on her work. Read along with the incredible poems featured in this episode here: http://www.mjdorian.com/emily/ In this episode, Emily Dickinson is voiced by the multi-talented performer: Frances LaVette. Go follow her work on social media here: https://www.instagram.com/l.a.d.y_l.a.z.a.r.u.s/ If you'd like to become a patron of the show and gain access to exclusive patron only perks, head over to my Patreon: http://www.mjdorian.com/emily/ Thank you for your support!!! Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian All music by MJDorian