Creativity Tip 22: Harvesting Time
Creative Codex - A podcast by MJDorian

Ever feel like life is too busy to explore your creativity? Ever feel like you don't have enough time? On this Creativity Tip minisode we explore the idea of finding and utilizing the corners of your day. And the possibility that less time isn't always a bad thing–just ask yourself: What can I do with the time that I have? ∞∞∞∞∞ Help fund Creative Codex in 2024 with a donation to our Venmo: Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and gain access to the Red Book Reading series, Kurt Cobain series, and other exclusive goodies: ∞∞∞∞∞ All Music by MJDorian Written & Produced by MJDorian --------- Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: --------- Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian. All rights reserved. ---------