Creativity Tip 23: Be Driven By A Vision
Creative Codex - A podcast by MJDorian

All creative geniuses have visions throughout their lives which guide their work. What does it mean to have a vision? How does a vision differ from a goal? How do you discover your own vision? Let's talk about it. This insight developed from recent studies and reflections I've been engaged in, it is part of my current attempt to define creative genius through several traits which all creative geniuses seem to share. In searching through all of the insights gathered over five years of doing this show, I've noticed that all of the figures we have covered have a vision which, in some way, guides their creativity. I hope you find this minisode inspiring. ----------- Here are the questions mentioned in the episode. I recommend getting a journal or opening up a notepad on your computer and answering them to compel a vision of your own. Feel free to be as prosaic and lengthy as you like. What activities / mediums am I most passionate about? What are my strengths in those activities / mediums? What subjects and styles do I find most engaging? What subjects and styles do I love ‘creating in’ most? What’s something the world needs? What’s something I’ve never seen anyone do? Even if the process of answering these doesn’t lead to a new vision immediately, the act of dialogue with your inner world will jumpstart something which will. ----------- Support Creative Codex on my Patreon and gain access to exclusive episodes, including the Kurt Cobain series, the RED BOOK READING series, and all the Episode Exclusives: Buy me a coffee or add to my fancy books fund on Venmo: ----------- All Music by MJDorian Written & Produced by MJDorian ———— Connect with me on social media for all the newest updates: YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: --------- Creative Codex is written & produced by MJDorian. All rights reserved.