Sophie Green - Grateful Intentions
Creative Perspectives Podcast - A podcast by Tom Shepherd

This chat with wonderful UK Wildlife Artist, Sophie Green, was always going to be a fun and inspiring one. We kick off talking about our relationship with commissions and slowly finding alignment with ourselves and our artwork. Sophie's journey is a really interesting one and it has clearly taught her some invaluable lessons along the way. One of which being Sophie's more wholistic approach to art and business. Sophie is very strong on writing down aims, goals and intentions and letting this fuel her art and business direction and growth. We have a good chat about Sophie's recent fantastic and super inspirational trip to the Artic Circle, which leads into the topic of Art & Conservations relationship as well as trying to make more conscious decisions in our art practice, business and personal lives. We round up by talking about self discipline and finding drive before Sophie's final thoughts, plus quite a few more final thoughts! Find Sophie at: Sophie's YouTube channel Find me at: Instagram/tomshepherdartist YouTube - TomShepherd Art