Balancing a creative business around raising a child with Balancing a creative business around raising a child with complex special needs - Ebony Newton

Creative Ways Podcast - A podcast by Emma Isaacs


Ebony Newton left the job she loved as a senior designer for Hallmark Ltd to go back to Northumberland to start freelancing after becoming a mother. The flexibility freelance life gave Ebony’s family, became more important as their son’s complex needs grew, especially as her husband works away 90% of the time. After her second son was born, Ebony set up a second business, Dotty Black. An online paper based gorgeous gift shop for little people. Dotty Black brought products to the customer which couldn’t be found previously. After designing for In house studios and clients brands for so many years, Dotty Black became Ebony’s creative outlet, not only to explore her own personal style, but also the brand started to feel like it had a bigger purpose -  offering gifts with empowering messages for little and also big humans too who may be battling each day. As time went on Ebony’s brand grew as she decided to work less on her client work due to the new chapter of being a parent to a child with complex disabilities Ebony’s Takeaways 1. It’s ok to mourn your old pre-kids life when you’re transitioning into parenthood. It doesn’t happen overnight, the minute you hold your baby. We are sold such a Pinterest/ Disney idea of baking and baby signing dates at NCT classes, when actually it can be lonely and a real shock! That’s ok, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be like that forever, it’s a process of change and you and baby and family will work it all out together. 2.If you’ve made good connections and relationships throughout your career, contact them when you’re available for work, the word will get around. 3.You will get more work, you didn’t see the opportunity before, because you weren’t looking for it! 4.If you’re doing 90% of the parenting, make sure you do something for yourself in the 10% ‘time off’ because it’s all too easy to get other chores done. 5.If you want to create your own product brand, see what problems and gaps arise in your everyday life that you want solving? Maybe you could design that product 6.When you say no to work that doesn’t fit, you are actually making room for more yes projects. 7.Boundaries are huge and as we know currently through this pandemic, they change with time, so keep analysing where you’re at. 8.There’s always something to do with your business, so learn to schedule in all of the self-care as well as family admin. 9.If you have that feeling of empowerment, or a big nudge feeling, that’s the thing, there it is, that's the magic, double down on that. Remember a message straight from the heart goes straight to the heart. 10.When you’re on Instagram or Etsy and you have that horrid comparisonitis feeling, that monster on your shoulder, remember everyone is fighting a battle you have no idea about. Just know that, and know that you can keep going too! Not in spite of what’s going on in your life, but because if what’s going on! Books