#18: I Am Not Biased, or Am I? | Justin Jones-Fosu

Credit Risk Ready - A podcast by Linda Keith


Today's topic is Bias...your bias. Okay, and my bias. Confirmation bias is well understood in credit analysis, jumping to conclusions too quickly just because revenue is up...or down. But bias can rear its head in many areas. In this episode we share sobering, recent studies on racial bias in lending, why intentions can cloud judgment, language to use if you, as a manager, need to ‘call out’ bias in direct reports, and how to use the ‘six-month challenge’ to change your own thinking. About Justin Jones-Fosu: Justin Jones-Fosu, MBA, CSP is a full-time family man who also happens to be a highly sought-after business speaker, social entrepreneur, and meaningful work researcher. He is the founder and CEO of Work. Meaningful. Where he combines over a decade of leadership in Fortune 500 companies, his real-life experience, and research to help global organizations create new rhythms of sustainable excellence, profitability, and engagement. Speaking over 60 times a year, Justin speaks and leads workshops and training with companies, organizations, and associations in the US and internationally on meaningful work and workplace engagement. He is passionate about helping organizations and individuals take ownership of their mindset, purpose, and performance to achieve amazing results. His latest book "Your WHY Matters NOW: How Some Achieve More and Others Don't" challenges the reader to merge their purpose and productivity to get more out of work and life. He is all about turning events into memorable and action-oriented experiences with his humorous and engaging delivery as well as with his research-based content! Resources: workmeaningful.com 7 Mini-Episode Everyday Diversity Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9h5x9BCeJ0mBvbN-eOXCvJWIVbu2nf_G Free Implicit Bias Test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatest.html Books to consider:  Biased: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=biased+jennifer+eberhardt&crid=11QMSBYFZ7LPS&sprefix=BIased%2Caps%2C212&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_6 COMING MARCH 2021 - The Inclusive Mindset: How to Cultivate Diversity in Your Everyday Life by Justin Jones-Fosu   Find out more about Linda Keith at: www.LindaKeithCPA.com www.LendersOnlineTraining.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindakeith/