120: Room 1046

Crime Curious Sundays

On January 2, 1935 around approximately 1:20pm, a well dressed younger looking man checked in to the Hotel President in Kansas City. The man seemed.. troubled.. as if he was avoiding someone, or some thing. As several days progressed, it was noted by hotel staff that the man was exhibiting some very unusual behaviors… but they had no idea of the horror that would soon unfold. The question still remains to this day…what happened in room 1046??? Seriously, what happened????? Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Artemus_Ogletree https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/instead-of-naming-his-killer-he-said-he-was-dying-because-he-fell-in-his-bathtub-4079d1a8fe0 https://factschology.com/mmm-podcast-articles/artemus-ogletree-roland-t-owen https://kansascitymag.com/news/longform/the-owen-case/ Music By: Jonas Bjornstand Cover Art By: Charnell