121: The Murders of Danny Ranes and Brent Koster

Crime Curious Sundays

We don’t find Michigan cases, they find us. This is a tragic story not too far from home. Danny Ranes was conditioned to use violence for what he wanted at a very young age. Naturally, this led to life of horrific crimes for him. It wouldn’t be long before he met Brent Koster, another troubled young man running from a broken home. What they did together is truly what nightmares are made of… but would Brent have done these things without Danny? You be the judge.  Michigan man convicted in killings of 4 women dies at 78 (wxyz.com) Judge said man who killed 3 women should never go free but felon seeking parole after 48 years - mlive.com Danny Ranes and Brent Koster | Serial Killers Wiki | Fandom’ Michigan panel grants parole to man convicted of killing 3 | AP News Kalamazoo man who as a teen killed 3 women in the 1970s is up for parole | WWMT Music By: Jonas Bjornstand Cover Art By: Charnell