201: The Murders of Louis Gumpenberger & Betsy Faria

Crime Curious Sundays

Megan is bringing you her very first deep dive in a well known case from her educated perspective. It is not often that we bring heavily covered cases to the podcast but even if you have heard this case before, hopefully you will learn something from this legal perspective. Besty Faria was found dead by her husband in her home with a knife sticking out of her neck and her wrist cut nearly to the bone. Through manipulation and narrow focus of investigatory work Betsy's husband was wrongfully imprisoned for three and a half years. Then in 2016 a man named Louis Gumpenberger was shot dead by a woman named Pam Hupp. Hupps defense was not so well thought out this time however. Take a listen to hear how these crimes have come together. Join Patreon here to binge bonus content! Crime Curious is creating a kick-ass exclusive listener experience | Patreon Don’t want to become a monthly subscriber but want to show us some love and support? Donate to us through Crime Curious Podcast (buymeacoffee.com) here! Music By: Jonas Bjornstand Cover Art By: Charnell https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/art-books-music/a39650950/who-was-the-real-pam-hupp-the-killer-at-the-center-of-the-thing-about-pam/ https://dotcomstories.com/louis-gumpenberger-murder/ https://www.historyvshollywood.com/reelfaces/thing-about-pam/ https://www.stlmag.com/longform/pam-hupp/  The unimaginable, infamous case of Pam Hupp A tangle of lies, greed, sex, and death—and a surprise arrest BY JEANNETTE COOPERMAN JANUARY 19, 2017 https://www.oxygen.com/all/pam-hupp https://www.scarymommy.com/pam-hupp-serial-killer https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/crime/pam-hupp-trial-moved-greene-county-she-faces-the-death-penalty/63-7fd06c3c-2161-4132-a2c5-4aec9a3cae29 https://www.investigationdiscovery.com/crimefeed/murder/5-things-to-know-about-pam-hupp-and-the-murder-of-betsy-faria https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdWRpb2Jvb20uY29tL2NoYW5uZWxzLzQ5OTcyMjAucnNz/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1c3aDNOS2xFeXZZV0pYdGQ3ZzdoS2NBTi1kV0F1bThLcHVjZEstVHlpNjQ?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwikqszyy978AhUBkmoFHakaBXQQjrkEegQICBAL&ep=6 https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/stltoday/name/elizabeth-faria-obituary?id=2971295 https://gossipnextdoor.com/louis-gumpenberger-bio-obituary-wife-pam-hupp/