60: The Babes Of Inglewood
Crime Curious Sundays

Pamela Everett might never had known she had two aunts that were murdered along with their friend in 1937 if she had not tried to lie to her father about where she was one night when she was 15. Instead of being upset with her, her father simply told her that he had lost two sisters and he couldn't lose a daughter too. It was that statement that sent her searching as an adult for the two aunts she never knew. What she discovered was not only details about her families secret, but that the wrong guy was possibly sent to the gallows for the murder of the "Babes of Inglewood" Music By: Jonas Bjornstad Cover Art By: Charnell Little Shoes: The Sensational Depression-Era Murders That Became My Family’s Secret By Pamela Everett. The 1937 "Babes of Inglewood" Murders w/ Pamela Everett - A True Crime History Podcast - YouTube The 1937 Murder of the 'Three Babes of Inglewood': A Relative's Search for What Really Happened - A&E (aetv.com)