76: Kips Pizza Taco House
Crime Curious Sundays

We are finishing up our “Cut it OUT Michigan” theme with another story just way too close to home. Kevin “Kip” Artz and his wife Patty were small business owners, working hard in their very own Pizza Taco House. The establishment was located in Jackson, MIchigan. As bills piled up and the business began to struggle… tensions started to rise. Join us to find out what happens in this very unsettling case! Texas driver cited for using carpool lanes with skeleton passenger - UPI.com Man who bludgeoned wife to death, then cooked her remains loses another legal battle - mlive.com The Disturbing Story of the "Deep-Fry Killer" Kevin Artz (ranker.com) Today in Horror History - Posts | Facebook PEOPLE OF MI V KEVIN LLOYD ARTZ :: 2003 :: Michigan Court of Appeals - Unpublished Opinions Decisions :: Michigan Case Law :: Michigan Law :: US Law :: Justia Kevin Artz v. Paul Klee, No. 14-2035 (6th Cir. 2016) :: Justia Music By: Jonas Bjornstand Cover Art By: Charnell