WHO’s Power to Govern US Pandemics Back on the Table; Biden Launches Sweeping ‘Equity’ Programs

he World Health Organization (WHO) may soon have the authority to decide how the United States handles pandemics. Negotiations are currently underway on a deal, where the United States could grant the WHO a new special authority. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden has appointed Susan Rice as the chair of a new “White House Steering Committee on Equity,” which will create sweeping programs throughout the federal government to create “equitable outcomes.” In this live Q&A with Crossroads host Joshua Philipp, we’ll discuss these stories and others, and answer questions from the audience. ⭕️ Stay up-to-date with Josh with the Crossroads NEWSLETTER👉 https://ept.ms/CrossroadsNewsletter ⭕️ Support our fight for the truth👉 https://donorbox.org/crossroads

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Crossroads is a channel from The Epoch Times focused on political discussion, traditional values, spirituality, and philosophy. Join host Joshua Philipp as he speaks with experts and authors about politics, history, and the values that are worth keeping.