Ep 52: 2022 Crowdfunding Predictions & Forecasts For Tabletop Marketing

Crowdfunding Nerds: Kickstarter Marketing For Board Games & Beyond! - A podcast by Crowdfunding Nerds: Kickstarter Marketing For Board Games & Beyond! - Mondays


The crowdfunding nerds wrap up a year of podcast with their predictions & forecasts for 2022. Who will be right? Will they all be wrong? Time will tell... 00:01:45 – Prediction Vs Forecasting00:09:38 - SEO Wizard Rick’s Predictions for 202200:15:49 – Andrew’s Prediction For 202200:19:47 – Richards Fiscal Cliff Song00:21:00 – South Africa’s Economic Hardships00:26:29 – Richard’s Girlfriend Is A Snoop00:27:25 – Buy Now Pay Later00:32:51 – Andrew’s Final Prediction About Distributors00:35:02 – Sean’s Suspicion of 2022 Manufacturing00:37:43 – German Manufacturing? Shownotes Times Magazine On China - http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,165453,00.html  Ludo Fact Manufacturing - https://ludofact.de/en/