Fireside Chat #13: Transfer Of Learning: Taking Lessons From Who You Are In Situations Into Your Music Career and Life
Crushing Classical - A podcast by Jennet Ingle - Thursdays

On today's Fireside Chat we dive into a topic that I wrote about earlier in the week that I dubbed Old School Abuse- when a teacher's style is abusive, which includes yelling and a demeaning tone. It is truly an unacceptable approach and we aim to out it here at Crushing Classical with hopes that it no longer continues. If more students can recognize in the moment that they do not have to endure this kind of treatment, it can stop. And going through it can teach you something about how you handle situations- it certainly did for me, and we talk about it in-depth on this episode. Later in the episode we discuss branding and also what it means to really stand up for something (or yourself) and how that actually looks on a day-to-day basis. Thank you to my sponsor Ficks Music- use the code CRUSH for 10% off your order: