Merideth Hite Estevez: Artists for Joy!

Crushing Classical - A podcast by Jennet Ingle - Thursdays


Grab my UNRELEASED chapter, Managing the Money!   Of course, you might want to read the rest of the book, too... Today you’ll hear my interview with Dr. Meredith Hite Estevez.  She's an Oboist, Author, Coach, and Podcaster, which might lead you to believe that I only ever interview people who are exactly like me. You’d be wrong, though. Meredith is uniquely herself - and so wise and interesting! You’ll hear me speechless over and over at the ideas and frameworks that come out of her mouth.  I’ve long been listening to her podcast, Artists for Joy, admiringly, but with full awareness of how differently we approach our work. And this is what makes humanity so wonderful!  An active freelancer and sought-after recitalist, oboist Dr. Merideth Hite Estevez has performed and taught throughout North and South America, Asia, and Europe.  She has performed with top orchestras in the US and abroad, including the Met Opera Orchestra and PhillyPops, and is currently the English hornist/Second Oboe of the Chamber Orchestra of NY. She has served on faculties of numerous universities and schools of music, most recently as Associate Professor of Oboe at University of Delaware.  As the founder and director of "Artists for Joy," she invites artists into community to unleash joy in the creation of art and to consider creativity as a spiritual practice. Her podcast of the same name was a winner of the Award of Excellence in 2022 Communicator Awards. She has degrees from The Juilliard School, Yale School of Music, and Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music. Her first book, “The Artist’s Joy: A Guide to Getting Unstuck, Embracing Imperfection, and Loving Your Creative Life,” debuts in Spring 2024 through Broadleaf Books. Find Merideth at her website, her instagram, or follow her podcast!  Thanks for joining me on Crushing Classical!  Theme music and audio editing by DreamVance. You can join my email list HERE, so you never miss an episode! I'm your host, Jennet Ingle. I love you all. Stay safe out there!