Michael Repper, Conductor: The Value Of Mentorship In Music Education Today
Crushing Classical - A podcast by Jennet Ingle - Thursdays

What you'll hear: The importance of being proactive and speaking up for what you want in your career - no matter what your age. The value of going for a career in your youth - and not believing or listening to that “you’re too young” The value of *mentorship* and having a mentor you trust in the professional field you aim for guiding you in your next career move The mindset about success that Mike thinks everyone should drop like a hot potato There’s being in the right place - and PUTTING yourself in the right place - Mike goes into this distinction The value of a mentor who *isn’t* another musician Why it’s never too early to give back to people even if you’re just starting out New music - the expectation you need to drop if you’re ever going to give new music a chance (I had to hear this one for myself!) I want to thank Ficks Music for sponsoring Crushing Classical. When you’re looking for high quality sheet music, look no further than https://www.ficksmusic.com/discount/CRUSH Use the link above to get 10% off your order! Mentioned on the show: The New York Youth Symphony: https://www.nyys.org/ The Northern Neck Symphony Orchestra: https://www.northernneckorchestra.org/ Michael's website: www.mikerepper.com Michael's mentor, Conductor Marin Alsop: https://www.marinalsop.com/