Documentary Premier Weekend! Shape Of Shadows and Lawn Chair Docs!

Cryptids Of The Corn - A podcast by Cryptids of the Corn Podcast

This weekend you get not one but two amazing releases!!From Cryptids of the Corn, You get Lawn chair Doc Ep. 1 Giant catfish of North America Come out Friday 8 pm EST Follow the link below!(4) Giant Catfish Of North America, Lawn Chair Documentaries. Ep. 1 - YouTubeNow from Merkel Meia you get the long-anticipated film The Shape Of Shadows, Its available for the special premier on Saturday 19th at 8 pm EST and a low cost of 24.99 with a live Q&A after! If interested, follow the link below to the website! The Shape of ShadowsSupport this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: