How is culture adapting to quarantine? Plus: our film critic on what to watch now

Life and Art from FT Weekend - A podcast by Financial Times

This week, we discuss the future of movies with FT film critic Danny Leigh. Will we see a wave of apocalypse dramas once this is over? Are mid-budget films under threat? And what little-known films should we be watching? In the second half of the show, Gris and Lilah take stock of how culture has been adapting to a new virtual reality, from online exhibitions to gigs on Instagram Live. What's working in URL vs IRL culture — and what isn't? Will the lockdown democratize the arts? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Which cultural experiences have you been enjoying from your sofa? What are you watching, reading or listening to right now? Let us know at, or record a short voice note on your phone and send it to [email protected]. You can tweet us at @FTCultureCall, and you can find us on Instagram @lilahrap and @griseldamurraybrown.  Links from the episode:  –Sign up for the FT's Coronavirus Business Update newsletter and get free access to our journalism for 30 days: –The TV adaptation of Normal People:, –Gris's podcast interview with Sally Rooney, author of Normal People, from 2018: –Danny Leigh's review of The Perfect Candidate (paywall), which you can stream online: –Danny Leigh's review of And Then We Danced (paywall), which you can stream online: –Fiona Apple's album Fetch The Bolt Cutters on Spotify: –BBC Museums in Quarantine - Warhol: –Cyprus Avenue at the Royal Court Theatre: –Dance Church on Instagram: –Gris's FT piece on having a ballet lesson with Adam Cooper: –New York Times article - How we use our bodies to navigate a pandemic:  

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