Unpacking the internet with Jia Tolentino

Life and Art from FT Weekend - A podcast by Financial Times

As the New Yorker magazine's go-to millennial, Jia Tolentino writes cultural criticism about the internet and how it affects us. She recently published Trick Mirror, a wildly popular collection of essays that explores contemporary culture. On this episode, Jia speaks with Gris about how the internet is moulding us in its image ("and it's important to remember that we are very mouldable!"). She also considers how it feels to find professional success on Twitter, a platform that can be ultimately harmful. Trick Mirror doesn't attempt to solve these problems; it just exposes and untangles them. Later in the episode, Lilah and Gris discuss whether that's enough. Want to discuss the episode? Come chat with us @FTCultureCall (http://twitter.com/FTCultureCall) on Twitter. You can also tell us about the cultural trends you can’t get out of your head at [email protected]. Relevant links: – Jia's New Yorker piece on vaping: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/05/14/the-promise-of-vaping-and-the-rise-of-juul – The FT book review of Trick Mirror (paywall): https://www.ft.com/content/c5454c2e-a70b-11e9-90e9-fc4b9d9528b4 For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy