We want to hear from you

Life and Art from FT Weekend - A podcast by Financial Times

Gris and Lilah here, coming to you between episodes to find out how you're holding up. As we live through this surreal pandemic together (and apart), we want to know what's going through your mind. What are you noticing around you? How have you seen culture already begin to adapt to this new reality? And what have you been watching, reading, listening to, crafting, cooking, etc to get through? This is our Culture Call Out. We want to hear from you. Let's put our observations, epiphanies and cultural recommendations together to try to get through this time. Send your voice memos to us at [email protected] by Monday, and we'll put a bunch in our next episode. Here's how to send a voice memo: open the voice notes app on your phone, talk right into the mic, and email the file to [email protected]. If you're more comfortable in writing, feel free to email us the old fashioned way. And if you want to connect online, you can find us on Twitter at @ftculturecall and on Instagram at @griseldamurraybrown and @lilahrap. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy