FFWN: World War III? Tanks But No Tanks! (with E. Michael Jones)
Culture Wars Podcast - A podcast by Culture Wars Staff
Dr. E. Michael Jones breaks down the week's biggest stories, including impending World War 3, the wild and crazy Pfizer scandal, "Holocaust survivors vs. COVID Nazis," and much more. Full articles and sources: https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2023/01/ffwn-world-war-iii-tanks-but-no-tanks-with-e-michael-jones/ ——— Buy Dr. Jones books: https://www.fidelitypress.org/ Subscribe to Culture Wars Magazine: https://www.culturewars.com Donate: https://culturewars.com/donate ——— Follow Dr. E. Michael Jones: Cozy: cozy.tv/emichaeljones Bitchute: www.bitchute.com/emichaeljones Gab: gab.com/emichaeljones Telegram: https://t.me/RealEMichaelJones Odysee: https://odysee.com/@E.MichelJones:f Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-920885 Twitter: twitter.com/culturewarsmag Podcast RSS: https://culturewars.com/videos?format=rss Sensus Fidelium: https://sensusfidelium.tv/@EMichaelJones