Episode 120: Will Eating Probiotic Foods Make Any Difference?

Cultured Food Life - A podcast by Donna Schwenk


Most of you don't know what processes are actually happening inside of you every day. There are microorganisms everywhere and you can't see them, but they are inhabiting you and everything else. Understanding how this works is crucial to living a healthy lifestyle. Tune in and listen to learn more about how to help your body stay healthy and strong. Episode link: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/podcast/episode-120-will-eating-probiotic-foods-make-any-difference/ Check out these links: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/will-eating-probiotic-foods-make-any-difference/ https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/i-want-to-get-cultured-where-do-i-start/