Episode 122: Cultured Foods Are Your Ally Against Toenail Fungus
Cultured Food Life - A podcast by Donna Schwenk
So, do you want to know why you have certain persistent problems with things like ringworm, toenail fungus, and athlete’s foot? All of these are caused by a fungus that can spread and grow like crazy and last for years and years. It is caused mainly by the Candida species, so there is also a good chance you have Candida if any of these are plaguing your body. But the good news is cultured foods can help with this problem. Check out the podcast for the many ways good bacteria keeps all of this in check. Episode link: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/podcast/episode-122-cultured-foods-are-your-ally-against-toenail-fungus/ Check out these links: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/kefir-is-your-ally-against-toenail-fungus/ https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/candida-and-cultured-foods/ https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/how-to-make-the-probiotic-that-inhibits-candida/