Episode 137: I Was Lost... Until I Did This

Cultured Food Life - A podcast by Donna Schwenk


"How do I apply all this cultured food stuff to my life? Where and how do I get started?” This is something that I hear quite often. People want to change their lives and feel better but don’t know where to start. What makes people change their lives while others stay stuck in old patterns that don’t serve them? Let me share with you what I have discovered and how you can change your life too. Episode link: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/podcast/episode-137-i-was-lost-until-i-did-this/ Check out these links: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/i-was-lost-until-i-did-this/ https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/subscribe/ https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/members/become-a-biotic-pro/ https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/lives-touched/