Episode 171: 7 Ways To Use Your Extra Kefir Grains

Cultured Food Life - A podcast by Donna Schwenk


Kefir grains themselves are made up of many different species of bacteria and yeasts. Within the cell walls of the grains are cellulose microfibrils which are embedded in a polysaccharide matrix consisting of proteins. That's a lot of complicated words, but kefir grains are multi-complex microorganisms. They are mostly fiber and proteins made from milk caseins and I do love them for all they've done for me. Can You Eat Them? Tune in to learn more. Episode link: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/podcast/episode-171-7-ways-to-use-your-extra-kefir-grains/ Check out this link: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/7-ways-to-use-your-extra-kefir-grains/