Episode 213: You and Your Housemates Share the Same Bacteria

Cultured Food Life - A podcast by Donna Schwenk


You are a cloud filled with 100 trillion bacteria walking around. You change every room you walk into with your bacteria, and it happens within minutes. In my own quiet way, I believe that the power of my 100 trillion bacteria spreads the presence of good bacteria everywhere I go. We can all be a presence of good bacteria that we need so much in today's world. What are you spreading? Check out the podcast to learn more. Episode link:  https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/podcast/episode-213-you-and-your-housemates-share-the-same-bacteria/ Check out this link: https://www.culturedfoodlife.com/you-and-your-housemates-share-the-same-bacteria/