Episode 183: Bedford Cheese Shop
Cutting the Curd - A podcast by Heritage Radio Network

What happens when a punk kid figures out how to handle cheese? The Bedford Cheese Shop is born! Get some insight into running a cheese shop as Greg Blais and guest co-host Matt Rubiner chat with Charlotte Kamin, owner of Bedford Cheese Shop- an old-fashioned cheese shop dedicated to providing the finest quality cheeses from around the world. Tune in to find out what the day to day life of a cheese shop owner is like, what plans Charlotte has for expansion and what inspires her brand. From quality control to business management - get a peek into the world of retail cheese in Brooklyn! This program was brought to you by The Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board. I was a punk kid who knew how to handle cheese. I am now an older punk kid who knows how to handle cheese. [04:00] I get off on the fact that food can bring you back to childhood memories. [06:00] I am not the type of person who can just sustain in the same environment. As a shop-owner when you have really good people you want to see them grow. [11:00] A lot of people have this misconception that opening a cheese shop is an easy and profitable thing, but its difficult! [32:00] --Charlotte Kamin on Cutting the Curd