June 19, 2022 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "Organized Attack on Purpose: "Superficial Relationships and Gorging of Senses, Forced Existential Apathy Destroys Human Defence"

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format) - A podcast by Alan Watt ( cuttingthroughthematrix.com & alanwattsentientsentinel.eu ) - Mondays


--{ "Organized Attack on Purpose: "Superficial Relationships and Gorging of Senses, Forced Existential Apathy Destroys Human Defence"}-- Boredom - Television, Movies - People Becoming Less Happy - Advertising - The Computer is the TV Set Now - Brain Chip - Tavistock, Aldous Huxley - Delgado Experiment - WiFi; Living in a Field of Electromagnetism; 5G, Radar, Microwave - Persinger - Folk have Given Up Privacy - Becoming Helpless - How Subversives Were Dealt With in the Communist System - Knowledge is Power - Weaponized Entertainment, Politically Correct Updates - Data Collection Centers - Stasi - Movie, The Lives of Others - The Brain; The Last Frontier - Inserting Modified Genes into Fish - Getting Rid of Library Books - Information Disappearing Down the Memory Hole - You Have One Global Intelligence Agency with Many Arms in All Countries - Internet of Things, Spyware Network in Your Home - Getting People on the Internet with Pornography - Bertrand Russell; Education; The State Gives Children Their Values - Jacques Ellul on Indoctrination - Early Sexualization; No Bonding, No Breeding - Psychological Warfare - Definition of a Conspiracy - Edward Bernays; Professional Liars; Propaganda - Leveson Inquiry - Tyranny - Youth Armies; Gramsci - Culture Industry - Soma, Boredom of Routine - Jeffrey Epstein, Honey Trap Operation - Elite Sex Club Throws Top Secret Masked Orgy - AI is Making Fake News Look Real - A Facebook Rumor - MIT, Creation of Fake Memes - Mark Zuckerberg, AI - Brain-Computer Interface - DARPA - CIA, Rock Music, Psychedelics; Boosting Scientists to Star Level - Movie, THX-1138 - The War Industry is at War with You - DARPA Electronics Resurgence Initiative (ERI) Summit; Intel Packs 8 Million Digital Neurons onto its Brain-Like Computer - Social Credit System; The Health Care System; Paying to have Your Credit Score Improved - We have 18 months to Save World, Prince Charles - Eugenics - Canada, Euthanasia - Magic Mushrooms Pass First Hurdle as Depression Treatment - Silicon Valley Billionaire Pays Company Thousands 'To Be Killed and have His Brain Digitally Preserved Forever' - Life Extension for the Wealthy Elite - The Pentagon has a Laser that Can Identify People from a Distance—by their Heartbeat - Don't Give Up. Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Dec. 15, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)