May 16, 2021 "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux (Educational Talk From the Past): "9/11 Was the Kickoff - Part 2" *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - Aug. 17, 2009 and Aug. 28, 2009 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt Podcast (.xml Format) - A podcast by Alan Watt ( & ) - Mondays


--{ "9/11 Was the Kickoff - Part 2"© CTTM}-- (Excerpts from Original RBN Broadcasts -- Aug. 17, 2009 and Aug. 28, 2009) The New Age - Creation of a New Religion - Gorbachev, Socialism, Killing Off the "Excess" - Scientists the New Gods - Totalitarian System under Guise of Greening Agenda - Ideological Indoctrination - Marketing, Advertising, Selling Hope - "Going to War for Jesus" - "Control Room" movie, Iraq Invasion - Nazism, Students of Leo Strauss, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Project for a New American Century - Post-9/11 Agenda - Brainwashed Masses, Indoctrinated Madness - Obedience to Authority - Revelations - A Memory of Rights in U.S. - Complacent Canadians - Only One Agenda, UN, Global Governance - Bernays, Consumerism, Hedonistic Society - Destruction of Family and Community - Taser (Cattle Prod) Electrocution - CIA Torture of Detainees "Interrogation" Techniques; Creating Learned Helplessness and Dependence - Substitutes for War: Terrorism, Enemies Within - Use of Fear and Coercion on Public - Century of Change, Brute Force - Oath Keepers - 9/11, War on Terror, Expansion of Executive Power - PNAC Group - Centralization of Power - $1000 Fine/Day, Jail for Refusing Swine Flu Vaccination - Tyranny = No Exit Left, No Choices Remain - Build-up of Internal Armies - Military Think-Tank Projections - Don't Bother with The Dead - Saying NO. *Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt Aug. 17, 2009 and Aug. 28, 2009 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)