Security Nudge. 911 S5 Botnet Dismantled - What Businesses Should Know. Sponsored By CybSafe.

Cybercrime Magazine Podcast - A podcast by Cybercrime Magazine


After a long investigation, the FBI and many international partners recently arrested the cyber criminal responsible for running the 911 S5 botnet, which is a global network of more than 19 million computers that have been infected with malicious software. That malware might be loaded after you click on a malicious link or open an attachment in a phishing email, or it might be bundled with pirated software or movies that you’ve downloaded. Once your computer has been added to the botnet, its operators sell cyber criminals access to your computer so they can use it to send phishing emails, launder money, distribute child exploitation materials, engage in identity theft, mine cryptocurrency, target companies or governments with distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and more. It's not just computers that can be recruited into a botnet – any connected device is potentially at risk – and you might not even know that your device has been hijacked. Be suspicious, however, if you notice your computer suddenly running slower than usual, crashing more frequently, running out of memory, losing Internet access regularly, or showing you pop-up ads even when you’re not using your web browser. If you suspect you’ve been compromised, talk with your IT staff so they can scan your system for malware before things get worse. The 60-second "Security Nudge" is brought to you by CybSafe, developers of the Human Risk Management Platform. Learn more at