Sadhguru on #SaveSoil, Sustainable Fashion, and the Nature of Our Existence

D Sustainability Issue - A podcast by Dessie Georgieva


In this episode of “D Sustainability Issue” Dessie shares exciting snippets of her meeting with Sadhguru at the SaveSoil Event in Vienna in March 2022. You will hear about: 1. What does a Guru have to do with the fashion industry? The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, and more than 60% of the fibres used in it are synthetic. For our health and for the health of our planet, we need to more to more natural fibres in fashion. Sadhguru created a big campaign called Fashion for Peace, which advocated for that at NYFW in 2019. 1. #SaveSoil - the purpose of Sadhguru’s visit to Vienna and what you can do to help too. Soil is a living organism, and it enables all life on the planet. Over the last 100 years 50% of the world’s top soil has been degraded and destroyed. This leads to draught, food shortages, and climate disaster. With his movement Conscious Planet, Sadhguru is addressing this and trying to get world leaders on board, so we can ensure the future of the next generations. 1. Sharing snippets from the conversation with Sadhguru after the Save Soil event in Vienna. Hope these simply inspire you the way they inspired me to learn more about these topics, and most importantly, to take action.