Daf Yomi Beitzah Daf 14 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


JoinDafYomi.com GrowTheShiur.com MDYsponsor.com Today's shiur is sponsored Mordechai Binder לעילוי נשמת הרב זאב אברהם בן ר' יוסף שלום ביינדר זצ"ל & Etan Mirwis and the BMT 83-84 Chevra In memory of the 19th yahrtzeit of  JJ Greenberg Natan Yosef Ben Harav Yitzchak Hacohen & Ben and Dan Kaufman In memory of our father. שמחה בן ירחמיאל on his yartzeit ח תשרי & Menachem Sholom (Michael) Segelstein a new einekal born on כה אלול named Moshe Naftoli Ben Rav Refoel Mordechai Segelstein Hacohen -- Turning of the daf sponsors the MDY Tehillim group - for all who need Shidduchim, Refuas and Yeshuos, Please join us at tehillim.8mindaf.com & Shlomo Lalezarian from LA in honor of R' Eli's wife Fagie for sacrificing her life in order for R' Eli to prepare the Daf