Daf Yomi Beitzah Daf 17 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
Today's shiur is sponsored Shmuly Hecht In Honor of Dovid Zlatnik F200, Akiva Sulkowitz F94, Sholom Rand F202, Shmuly Davidowitz B202 and the Official 8MINDAF YOMI COMMITTEE & Refoel Grosskopf לעילוי נשמת מהר''ר ר' אשר פריינד זצ''ל בהרה''ח ר' אריה מרדכי ז''ל נסתלק לגנזי מרומים מוצאי יו''כ תשס''ד ולעילוי נשמת זקני מוה''ר משה אליהו הכהן קאהן ז''ל נלב''ע י''ב תשרי תשמ''ט & Mordechai Kranczer Ahron Hacohen Kranczer Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzva. May you continue to follow in your fathers footsteps and bring much nachas to the family & Nati Success in parnassa & In honor of Josh, who's jumped on the MDY bandwagon and been fortunate to attend shiurim in person these last few weeks. As a zechus that he should find a shidduch - From all his loving friends & Mark Aschkenasy Ah Gut Yar! My fellow Monsey Hatzoloh Guys want in on the hock!!! So a big shout out to the growing group of Monsey Members!! RH-144, RH-170 ALS-Medic, RH-183, RH-95, RH-158, and me, I'm RH-80 All the rest of the closet MDY RH Guys... time to chime up and call the BASE!! Your favorite Member-Dispatcher awaits you!! -- Turning of the daf sponsors the MDY Tehillim group - for all who need Shidduchim, Refuas and Yeshuos, Please join us at tehillim.8mindaf.com & Natan Khoshnood: for a zechus for my children Aryeh Calev Ben Devorah and Yisrael Yakov Ben Devorah that they should both do well in Eretz Yisrael, have a cheshek for Torah, mitzvos, and yiras shamayim