Daf Yomi Eruvin Daf 80 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


Today's shiur is sponsored by Shlomo Gewirtzman: Ariel Ben Tzion Great Friend who died with no kids at a young age, his yahrzeit is today & Lirfuah Shelema Edward ben Suzette & Shea Greenfeld: In honor of our son Usher Zelig 18th birthday (י חשון). May he continue to grow in Torah and yiras shamiyim.  חזק ואמץ & Barry Schleifer: ל""נ אמי מורתי פרומא גיטל בת ר"" ברוך אליעזער (Yartzeit) & Michael Apfel: Refuah Shelema for my brother Azariah Yonatan Shimon Shmuel ben Leonie. He needs a liver transplant urgently & Anonymously: In honor of R' Eli, from one of the youtube chevra that are zoche to, like the gmara says in yuma, to     ישב על פי ארובה כדי שישמע דברי א-ל-ה-י-ם חיים מפי  ה- גא""בד א-לי-הו Can the גא""בד א-לי-הו give some divrei chizuk about the chashivus of studying the yomi daily even if I dont understand it completely