Daf Yomi Gittin Daf 76 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky

00:00 - Good Morning00:05 - Where Am I?02:37 - 2000 people04:30 - Emails07:29 - MDYsponsor.com09:36 - Amud Aleph34:03 - Amud Beis54:11 - Have a Wonderful Day--Today's shiur is sponsoredMoshe Banda: To thank Hashem that I am able to thank him for everything that I have&לע״נ חיה בת יוסף&לע״נ זכריה בן משה&Bracha Ad Bli Dai In All My Endeavors - Baruch Tzvi Nissim ben Shoshana Leah&Dr Avrum Epstein: In memory of the 3rd yahrzeit of his beloved Raiza Gitl bas Zeav&Mordechai Ben Esther for a complete Refuah Shalema B’Karov&Ari Stawis: Refuah Shlema for Leah bas Gitel and a segulah for continued parnassa&Austein Grandchildren: L’N our Zeidy, משה יצחק בן אליהו הכהן, 15th Yarzheit י׳׳ג אב&Happy 40th Birthday to our Tatty, Chezkel Edelman! Love, Hinda, Yehudis, Sara & Eli&Refuah Shlema Yaakov Yecheskiyahu Ben Bluma who is undergoing a surgery this morning&The Herschberg Family Josh and Aryeh Herschberg: L'iluy nishmas Yehudis bas HaRav Yaakov, Judy Herschberg, on her 21st Yahrtzeit. YZB&לז'נ הרב אורי שרגא בן החבר חיים Reb Uri Mandelbaum who personified everything MDY. His heart and home were opened to any yid frum or not, litvish, chasidish, mizrachi, conservative it made no difference. If they needed anything he was there!