Daf Yomi Gittin Daf 88 by R’ Eli Stefansky
Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - A podcast by Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky
00:00 - Good Voch/Morning00:15 - JoinDafYomi.com and emails05:18 - MDYsponsor.com09:31 - Amud Beis13:21 - Amud Aleph36:41 - Amud Beis50:36 - Have a Wonderful Day--Today's shiur is sponsoredMoshe Banda: To thank Hashem that I am able to thank him for everything that I have&לע״נ זכריה בן משה&Bracha Ad Bli Dai In All My Endeavors - Baruch Tzvi Nissim ben Shoshana Leah&Dr Avrum Epstein: In memory of the 3rd yahrzeit of his beloved Raiza Gitl bas Zeav&Mordechai Ben Esther for a complete Refuah Shalema B’Karov&לע״נ חיה בת יוסף&Leilui Nishmat: Avraham “Albert” ha Levi ben Ester & Gavriel Beniyaminov&Sydney Pfeiffer: iluy nishmas hachaver Yoel ben hachaver Shlomo (yahrzeit 25 av)&Mr. Lee Margulies (מרגוּליס): In honor of my parents 50th wedding anniversary and my 25th bar mitzvah anniversary&Avi Burg: לכבוד הבר מצווה של עובדיה, בזכות שתמשיך לגדל בתורה וחסד אם גשמק אמיתי!&Peretz Chaim Levin:In honor of Morei V'Rabi's finishing Shas this coming Monday.Today's Daf is my favorite, פ""ח, just like Rebbe's favorite is ס""א.Come visit our recruitment booths in the Catskills this SundayThe Woodbourne ShulMountain Food in Monticello Goldschein Homestead in LibertyAnd also in Staten Island---Turning of the daf:the MDY Tehillim Group, where we daven for Refuos, Yeshuos and Shidduchim for Klal Yisroel AND for our MDY Family.Join us at Tehillim.8mindaf.com_________________________________